About Me

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Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas, United States
I'm mom to 3 beautiful children, wife to a wonderful man who is the love of my life and grandmother, "Nonna", to a beautiful grandson. Like too many others out there, I am the mother of an addict. I am still learning to deal with things in a healthy way and have a life inspite of the insanity that addiction produces. I am very blessed to have found this community of amazing people that share so much of themselves with us all through their blogs. You are all an inspiration to me. I share your struggles, your pain, your joys and all your hopes. I pray for the addicts still out there suffering and for the people that love them the most. My heart felt thanks to each & every one of you! May God's mercy and grace be with us all, Kristi

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Barber Amendment - Federal Good Time Bill

The BARBER Amendment is a bill to amend Title 18 U.S.C. Section 3624(b)(1) as follows: by striking the number "54" in the first sentence as it appears and inserting in lieu thereof the number "128"; and in the same sentence, by striking "prisoner's term of imprisonment" and inserting in lieu thereof "sentence imposed" .

Note: The Barber Amendment has not been introduced. FedCURE is seeking bipartisan support for the bill in the 112th Congress.

Please click on the above link and sign this petition...it's very quick and only takes a minute. Also, please pass this along to those you know. YOUR SUPPORT IS GREATLY NEEDED AND VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!